Malinda Walker

Malinda Walker

Malinda Walker

Malinda is a native of Northern California married to a San Francisco native. Athletically, she’s a runner and swimmer who went through a period where she wanted to do a triathlon, except she really didn’t like serious cycling. 

Malinda spent a good chunk of her life in San Francisco seriously engaged in running, competing in the local USATF Pacific Association cross country and road race series. She had the best season the year she turned 40, earning most of her personal records at 40 and 41 years of age. Malinda states “No race before or since has hurt as much as my 20:27 5K personal record achieved at 41.”

She’s a member of the Pamakid Runners, a running group that not only likes to compete, but also puts on a half marathon to raise money for charity. The club also organizes social and light-hearted get togethers centered around running.

 Malinda admits she can be fiercely competitive against herself, but also loves the social and encouraging nature of athletic communities that bring everyone along.

Professionally she has been employed at the University of California San Francisco for over 25 years. Her current work is to help manage a breast cancer research program and a research laboratory.

Malinda's Journey with ElliptiGO

Malinda Walker

How did you first hear of ElliptiGO? I first saw an ElliptiGO being ridden when I was at the USA Track and Field Olympic Trials to watch my friend Shannon Rowbury compete to represent the USA at the Olympics. A different elite athlete was done competing and riding an ElliptiGO near the stadium. It looked like so much fun and she looked very happy, I immediately wanted to be the one riding on that ElliptiGO. Later, when Lamorna Swigart and I were moving towards purchasing ElliptiGOs for our fundraiser, Shannon told me that she used an ElliptiGO as part of her training routine. I’ve owned and ridden an ElliptiGO since 2014.

Malinda Walker

How Do You Use Your ElliptiGO For Fitness/Exercise? I primarily ride outside for fitness and adventure. When the weather precludes this, or if I’m feeling low energy, I ride the trainer inside. I still mix that in with running. ElliptiGOing is currently the primary way I elevate my heart rate and get outside.

Malinda Walker

What do you love most about riding an ElliptiGO? I absolutely love riding my ElliptiGO; to me it is all the best parts of running and biking combined. I love that I can go on longer adventures and explore new places that I couldn’t reach by foot. I like that it feels like walking or running, but that you can rest by gliding – something not possible when actually walking or running. I also never liked sitting and feeling hunched over on a bicycle. I like that you don’t get a sore bottom from long or multi-day bike rides. I also appreciate that it is a conversation starter and attention magnet. The ElliptiGO gives me the opportunity to wave and chat with all sorts of people when I ride through the very diverse San Francesco neighborhoods.

What is your favorite ElliptiGO bike?
I prefer my 11R long-stride with toe clips. The lowest and highest gears are a real plus in hilly San Francisco. I can make it up almost all the steepest hills (the biggest hills are not the steepest), and definitely need the last gear to climb the short steep hill home. I also appreciate the extra gears when I’m feeling competitive on a flat stretch where it’s safe to go all out.

What is your favorite local ride?
I love riding to the top of all the tallest hills that are near my house for the view, San Bruno Mountain, Twin Peaks and Hawk Hill. I also enjoy riding in flatter areas where I can take in city life, waterfront rides along the Embarcadero, sections of the Bay Trail, in Golden Gate Park and along the Great Highway by the ocean. Sometimes I just like to explore and see where I’ll end up by following new bike route signs.

What is your longest or most memorable ride?
The most memorable ride may well be the day my ElliptiGOs arrived. Lamorna and I were so excited we opened the boxes, put the bikes together, and rode up and down the long hallway of our laboratory building.
Our 280-mile eight-day trek around the San Francisco bay in 2014 was the most significant. We raised over $20,000 for breast cancer research and connected with so many people in meaningful ways. Lately Lamorna and I have started talking about making that trek again – but over significantly fewer days; maybe the local community of ElliptiGO riders will join us for some of the ride?

Ready to Try an ElliptiGO Bike?

Whether you are new to ElliptiGO bikes and looking to test ride or a current ElliptiGO Owner in San Francisco and Northern San Mateo County, Malinda can help, 415.420.7153

ElliptiGO bikes available to test ride:

Long-Stride Bikes:  11R | 8C

Stand up Bikes: MSUB

Stationary Trainer: Fluid 365 Stationary Trainer

Other places to connect:


For questions or assistance, please contact Malinda at:
415.420.7153 [email protected]

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