Recall Form

Thank you for participating in the Arc recall process. All of us here at ElliptiGO sincerely apologize for this situation and the inconvenience it has caused you. We have tried our best to make the process for getting your remedy as straightforward as possible.

Step 1: Confirm You Own an ElliptiGO Arc

This recall only applies to Arc models (Arc 3, Arc 8, Arc 24). It does not apply to any other ElliptiGO models (3C, 8C, 11R, SUB, MSUB, RSUB). All Arc models have a unique swing-arm system that flexes the frame differently from any other ElliptiGO model and the issue is related specifically to the Arc frame. If you do not own an Arc model, then your ElliptiGO bike is not affected by this recall.

You can identify an Arc model by looking on the frame alongside the rear wheel. If it is an Arc model, it will have a decal like the below that says “Arc.”

If you want further information about how to identify your model, click here.

If your bike DOES NOT have this decal, then it is not an Arc and your ElliptiGO bike is not affected by the recall.

If your bikes DOES have this decal, the next step is to identify the serial number.

Step 2: Locate the Serial Number

The serial number for your Arc is located on top of the frame towards the rear wheel and between the cranks. It is an 8-digit number situated immediately above the decal explaining where the ElliptiGO is designed and assembled. Here is where you can find the serial number and what it looks like:

Step 3: See Your Remedy Options

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide a fix to your frame so that you can keep riding your Arc. As a result, we are providing several options to choose from. These choices will be based on the original purchase date for your Arc, the model and the purchase price. The options are set forth in the table below.

* Note: The credit amount will be the purchase price of the bike only and does not include sales tax or shipping. For example, if you purchased an Arc 8 3-4 years ago for $1299 plus tax, then you can apply $1,299 to the purchase of a 3C, 8C, 11R or $1,029.40 to the purchase of a SUB, RSUB, MSUB or accessories.

To see the purchase date, model and price paid for your Arc according to our records, please enter your serial number in the box below:

Model: {{ record["Model"] }}
Age: {{ age }} Yrs
Date Purchased: {{ record["Date Purchased"] }}
Bike Price paid: ${{ record["Bike Price Paid"] }}

Remedy Options:

The serial number you entered is not being recognized by our system. Please refer to Step 1 above to ensure you own an Arc and Step 2 above to ensure you have the correct serial number. If you continue to have issues entering a serial number, please email [email protected].

Option 1: {{ record["Option 1"] }}

Option 2: {{ record["Option 2"] }}

Option 3: {{ record["Option 3"] }}

If your records differ from the above and you have a Proof of Purchase, click here to see your remedy options based off that information. Proof of Purchase must be a sales receipt or invoice from an ElliptiGO retailer.

Remedy Options based on Your Proof of Purchase:

Option 1: {{ option1 }}

Option 2: {{ option2 }}

Option 3: {{ option3 }}

Feel free to take some time to decide on which remedy you would like. If you are curious about which ElliptiGO model would be the best fit for you to replace your Arc, click the banner below to get more information.

When choosing your desired remedy, please factor in bike availability which changes over time, given the current global supply chain challenges. Click here for the current status of availability, by model and color.

Once you have chosen your remedy, to complete the recall process you will need the following:

  • Physical possession of your Arc
  • The serial number of the bike
  • Your contact information
  • The proof of purchase (optional – you can still proceed without it)
  • A phone or digital camera to document rendering the bike inoperable
  • Your choice of remedy

You will also need to dispose of your inoperable Arc AFTER your recall submission has been verified. With the front wheel removed and steering extender removed, you should be able to fit it in your regular trash, a dumpster that you have access to, or include it on a bulk collection day. DO NOT DISPOSE OF YOUR ARC until we’ve approved your submission and confirmed that you can dispose of your Arc.

If you have more than one Arc, you will need to complete the process for each Arc separately.

When you have gathered all of this information and are ready to get your chosen remedy, please click the button below to start the recall process.

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