
10-Mile Champions Set New Standards

SilverStrand ElliptiGO ridersThe inaugural 10-Mile Championships of Elliptical Cycling took place Nov. 15 as part of the Silver Strand race series. This race, which takes place near ElliptiGO World Headquarters, covered a gorgeous route on a sliver of land between the Pacific Ocean and San Diego Bay.

Darren Brown rode away with an impressive victory in 34:09 (17.6mph average), nearly three minutes faster than runner-up Bryce Whiting. This victory helped salve the emotional wound of his heart-breaking loss during the recent World Championships of Elliptical Cycling. He led that race for more ¾ of the contest before he had two mechanical issues – first a problem with his gears then a flat tire.

Anna Thatcher also claimed some redemption from her 3rd place finish in the World Championships. She took the 10-Mile title in 44:24 (13.5mph average), a full 9 minutes ahead of Imelda Jimenez.

Both competitors etched their names in the history books, setting the official course record and the standard that future challengers will strive to beat.

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