
6 Years and 40,000 Miles Later

Six years ago, 70-year-old Rick Hermelin started riding an ElliptiGO bike. By itself, that’s nothing special. Many people in their 60s and 70s take up ElliptiGO riding because it’s fun, it’s comfortable and easy on their joints, and it keeps them fit. What makes Hermelin’s story noteworthy is his reason for taking those first long elliptical strides.

Rick Hermelin on his cross-country ride

“I started riding an ElliptiGO on July 1, 2011, to condition my body to endure riding every day for 100 days on my coast to coast ride in 2012,” he explained.

Less than a year later, on March 23, 2012, former U.S. Marine Hermelin set out from the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in Parris Island, South Carolina, on a transcontinental journey. One hundred days and 3000 miles later, he pulled into the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, California.

We checked in with Hermelin to celebrate the five-year anniversary of his trek and to congratulate him on turning over 40,000 total miles ridden since that first ride as a youngster of 70.

ElliptiGO:  How often and how far do you now ride your ElliptiGO in a typical week? What model bike do you have?

Hermelin:  I ride an ElliptiGO 8S for 20 or more miles almost every day. It adds up to an average of around 150 miles a week.

ElliptiGO:  What is your athletic background? Were you a runner or cyclist growing up?

Hermelin:  I did not participate in school sports other than PE, but I was always active with bike riding, bowling, tennis, walking and swimming. I was not a biker or a runner in the true sense. I ran my first 1/2 marathon when I was 35 and my last one at 70. When I completed my 100th marathon at 65, I had only completed 46 half marathons, so to keep things even, I did the remaining 54 half-marathons in 54 months.

ElliptiGO:  What possessed you to want to ride across the country?

Hermelin:  As a runner with joint impact for 35 years, I had completed 100 marathons, 100 1/2 marathons, and 100 10Ks. I knew of people that had run coast to coast and that was something I had wanted to do for a long time.

ElliptiGO:  What are some enduring memories from that ride?

Hermelin on a recent rideHermelin:  I was hosted every night, so I did not spend a nickel on hotels and I had the opportunity to meet many terrific people. Fifty of the 100 nights I was hosted by fire departments. The other nights I was hosted by a variety of individuals, families and a few organizations. It was a great way to see the country. Along the way, I was able to raise over $11,500 for the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund based in Camp Pendleton, Calif. (My goal had been $10,000.)

ElliptiGO:  Can you share any other interesting stories or lessons learned from your 40,000 miles?

Hermelin:  Learning the importance of setting goals and GOing for them. Making my daily rides a part of my lifestyle.

ElliptiGO:  What do you like most about your ElliptiGO?

Hermelin:  That it allows me to what I have done without any trauma to my body. I am pain-free and medicine-free … and I have all of my original body parts!   🙂

ElliptiGO:  What are some of your goals for this year?

Hermelin:  To continue with my daily riding and to get to 50,000 miles by the end of June 2018.


Join us in extending hearty congratulations to Rick Hermelin. May he ride 40,000 more miles!

Be sure to read the story of his cross-country ride.

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