
GOing the Distance at RAGBRAI

If you are a cycling enthusiast, you might have heard of RAGBRAI, the long distance, week-long bike tour formally known as the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. But have you heard of “GObrai”?

That is what a group of ElliptiGO enthusiasts called their participation in this year’s RAGBRAI, which took place July 23-29. Kristina Ayres, Janna Baldwin, Katie Blau, Wendi Pena Myers and Debbie Warmke, accompanied by significant others and fellow friends, took part in the annual event that brings together more than 20,000 cyclists from across the country.

According to Katie, experiencing the largest bike tour event in the world from her ElliptiGO bike was an adventure she won’t soon forget. “The sense of camaraderie and energy on RAGBRAI is so amazing! You have several thousands of cyclists from across the country and the world, with an occasional person on a penny farthing, unicycle, skateboard, or even rollerblades, converging on Iowa to enjoy a week of great riding and small-town America hospitality and food. It is truly inspiring to see the physically challenged riders out there giving it their all as well. It doesn’t get much better than that!” she said.

Next year’s RAGBRAI will take place July 22-28, 2018, and Katie invites other ElliptiGO riders to join the fun of “GObrai”. Registration will open in November.

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