
An Important Safety Update Regarding Your ElliptiGO Arc

Dear ElliptiGO Community,

Since we introduced the Arc in 2015, five (out of more than 4,000) Arc frames have broken in the field. We received the most recent frame in our office this week and we are still investigating the cause of the break. However, it appears that there was a visible crack on each of these frames that was present for an extended period of time before they broke, but these cracks were not seen because they were on the underside of the frames. If the underside of the frames had been inspected consistently, we believe the cracks would have been spotted and we would have replaced the bike for these riders.

Your safety is our primary concern, and we always seek to care for our customers and act with integrity. Although we are still investigating these frame breaks to determine their cause, we wanted to notify everyone to include an inspection of the underside of their Arc frame as part of their pre-ride safety inspection. We do not expect you will find a crack, but all of the ones we have discovered have been on the bottom of the frame, so that is the most important place to look during your inspection.

If you do see a crack, please stop riding your bike and report it to us using the following link: We will take care of you and get you back up and riding as quickly as we can. Again, our primary concern is safety, so if there is another cracked frame out there, we want to find it. Finally, it is important to understand that a crack can appear at any time, which is why we recommend conducting a safety inspection before each ride and are asking you to pay particular attention to the locations on the underside of your frame where cracks have formed.

Where to Look

To help focus your frame inspections, the two places we have seen cracks on the Arc frames are depicted in the photos below. The first location is on or near the weld on the bottom of the main tube in front of where the rear brake cable exits the frame. The second location is where the support tube from the head tube meets the main tube of the frame. The best way to inspect these areas is to turn the Arc upside down so you have a clear view of both areas. If there are cracks, they will likely be in the weld itself or right next to the weld. The cracks will start out very small (1/4” or shorter) and grow over time. You should inspect all of the welds on your bike as part of your pre-ride inspection, but we ask that you specifically focus on these the two areas to make sure there are no cracks. We have also included photos of example cracks below so you can see what a crack can look like.

As always, we are here to answer any questions you have. Contact our team via email at [email protected] or by calling 888-796-8227. Also, to ensure that you are notified via email for any future messages regarding your bike, please register your bike if you have not done so already by visiting

Thank you very much for being a part of the ElliptiGO community, we truly would not be here without you.



Bryan Pate


ElliptiGO, Inc.

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