
Throwback: Malcolm Gladwell
Raves About ElliptiGO

In 2022 at the Track and Field World Championships in Eugene, Oregon, founder of the CITIUS podcast, Chris Chavez and The Lap Count’s Kyle Merber sat down with Malcolm Gladwell. The NY Times best-selling author and ‘Legacy of Speed’ Podcast host, has a long history with running and is a student of the sport. He was a national class runner in High School and continues to get after it, running a 5:15 mile last year at the young age of 57.

Dealing with some injuries, Malcolm purchased an ElliptiGO 11R this past December, using it to supplement his run training. How does he like it? How does he compare riding his ElliptiGO to a traditional bike? Take a listen. Not sure we could have said it any better!

Are you a current or former runner and want to learn more? Check out our Runner’s page.

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One Response

  1. David Nachamie says:

    Excellent thank you

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