
Building Bridges With an ElliptiGO Bike

Susan Howard’s active lifestyle took a turn when she had to undergo back surgery. Then she discovered ElliptiGO bikes. Our May 2024 Rider of the Month embraced this new form of exercise and achieved a physical transformation through her daily rides. But for this shy rider, what might be even better is the unexpected social benefit that riding an ElliptiGO bike provides.

Susan was born in Evanston, Illinois, and her family later moved to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. Eventually, Susan moved to San Diego, California, where she lives today, to be near her brother. She’s held many occupations, including operating a city trolley for the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System and co-owning a medical equipment company specializing in respiratory care. Now she’s happily retired. 

Susan was a runner and a cyclist. Unfortunately, the impacts of running and riding a conventional bike eventually took their toll on her body. In 2014, she had to have back surgery and give up those activities.

Then one day Susan saw something that would change her life. “I saw this strange and unusual rider who couldn’t sit down on their bike as the seat was missing,” she recalls. Intrigued, she immediately began doing research and discovered ElliptiGO bikes. Susan was drawn to the 8C and knew she had to try it out.

“It was love at first stride!” Susan declares. “The mechanics of the bike eliminated the impact to my knees and back.” She purchased the 8C in 2014 and found that she was quickly able to increase mileage, speed and elevation. Additionally, over time she lost an incredible 45 pounds!

Susan is a dedicated and consistent rider. Her longest ride ever was 108 miles, and she regularly logs 35 to 40 miles a day. She’ll ride at 4 a.m. if she has to, noting that it keeps her grounded.

As she rides her ElliptiGO bike, Susan enjoys the beauty of her chosen city. “The opportunity to see ALL of San Diego is at my stride!” she says. She hasn’t found a route she doesn’t like, and she particularly enjoys riding around Cabrillo National Park, Mount Soledad and the La Jolla Scenic Route.

While Susan certainly appreciates the many physical benefits of riding an ElliptiGO bike, she was surprised to find a social benefit to riding elliptical and stand-up bikes. “Being shy and introverted, riding my ElliptiGO is my vehicle to go beyond my comfort zone because so often I’m asked about my bike,” she shares. She says she can’t stop smiling as she talks about how much ElliptiGO bikes mean to her.

Now that she’s 65 years old, she most enjoys riding one of her eRSUBs (electric road stand-up bikes) on her daily treks in San Diego. “ElliptiGO has met every one of my exercise needs while providing me with the greatest service on my GOs,” Susan says. “Service manager Keri Cleeremans, as everyone knows, exceeds expectations.” (We do know that, but we always love a Keri shout-out!)

Near the spot where she first saw that strange and unusual bike without a seat, Susan now rides over a picturesque bridge on her very own bike without a seat. The site is adorned with art and quotes about bridges, including this one from Audre Lorde: “It lays the foundations for a future change, a bridge across our fears of what has never been before.” And that’s exactly what ElliptiGO bikes have been for Susan.

Congratulations, Susan! Enjoy your daily rides. Thank you for building bridges by sharing your ElliptiGO enthusiasm!

You can contact ElliptiGO with nominations to Rider of the Month or share your own story. It may just be the next feature!

3 Responses

  1. Jeanne Wilson says:

    SUSAN, congratulations on being the “Rider Of The Month”, I have the fondest of memories about our rides together in San Diego. You were so kind to come by and meet me for our daily rides with Jorge and Frank. Your strength to me was amazing always keeping it in the highest gear no matter what hill we were climbing. The best to you in the future and I am sure you’ll power through any obstacle you come across. Your friend, Jeanne Wilson

  2. Gabriel Karen says:

    congratulations Susan! Well deserved and enjoyed hearing about your ElliptiGO journey! Happy GOing!

    Kathi Karen

  3. Katie Blau says:

    Congratulations Susan!

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