
January 2024 Rider of the Month,
Pam White

How did you celebrate your most recent birthday? Maybe you went out to dinner or spent time with your loved ones. Our January 2024 Rider of the Month, Pam White, celebrated her 70th birthday by riding 70 miles on her ElliptiGO bike! She shares with us her love of running and ElliptiGO riding, the best Christmas gift she ever received, and why every ElliptiGOer should put Tucson on their travel list.

Pam White was born in St. Louis, Missouri. She attended college in Denver, Colorado, and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Regis University. Life took her to Dallas, Texas, and Sacramento, California, but she’s called Tucson, Arizona, her home for many years. She and her husband, Dana, have been married for 42 years. They have twins, a boy and a girl, who are now 40 years old, as well as a daughter from Dana’s previous marriage. They have three grandchildren, with another baby granddaughter due to arrive soon. 

When their children were still in elementary school, Pam went back to school at the University of Arizona in Tucson and earned a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. She worked in community pharmacies for a few years, but she spent most of her 20-year-career working as a clinical pharmacist for a health plan. “It was an amazing career,” she says. “I got to learn new things every single day.” She retired a few years ago. “I’ll save you the effort of doing the math,” she says. “I just turned 72 in December!”

Pam describes herself as being quite active all of her adult life. At the age of 53, she began endurance running. Pam shares, “I was always only a mediocre runner, but I really loved it.” With her dogs as her running partners, she ran daily and completed seven full marathons and more than 20 half-marathons over 10 years.  

One Christmas, her husband surprised her with a green ElliptiGO 8C. “It’s one of the best gifts I ever received!” Pam exclaims. She was excited to incorporate the 8C into her running regimen as a cross-training tool. Then, Pam injured her foot. After surgery, she could no longer run.

“I have to say that I was pretty devastated,” says Pam. But, as she recovered from the surgery, she discovered that she could still “run” on her ElliptiGO bike. “I’ve been doing that ever since,” she says.

Since then, she’s acquired an 11R, as well as an RSUB (Road Stand Up Bike), which she uses on the Fluid 365 Stationary Trainer. She even acquired a second 11R, which she says is waiting in her son’s garage in Denver, ready for a family ride the next time Pam visits Colorado. 

In Tucson, Pam connected with other ElliptiGO riders. On her 70th birthday, Pam rode her personal best distance, 70 miles, with her friends, Margarita, Dainah and Steve. The birthday girl sported a green tutu and a birthday crown atop her helmet! While she’s proud of that achievement, Pam notes with a laugh, “I will mention, however, that we have since collectively decided to start doing group birthday rides in kilometers instead of miles!” 

Pam recommends the Kinekt Suspension Stem as her favorite ElliptiGO accessory. The stem is designed to reduce hand and arm fatigue, and Pam says that it truly works. She adds, “I have a lot of osteoarthritis, and it really helps to minimize the vibrations to my hands and upper body. I heartily recommend it. I love it!” Pam also notes that, thanks to ElliptiGO Service Manager Keri Cleeremans’ video, “I was able to install that product all by myself, even though I’m not very mechanical. Kudos to Keri!” 

Pam encourages ElliptiGOers to put Tucson on the travel wish-lists. She explains, “Tucson is an almost perfect environment for biking.” She says that the county-maintained paved bike and pedestrian path, the Pima County Chuck Huckleberry Loop, circumnavigates the city and includes numerous branches, encompassing over a hundred miles of beautiful pavement, with no fear of traffic. Access to the loop is just a mile from Pam’s home. And while you’re riding the loop, be sure to say hi to Pam! 

Pam, thank you for your unbridled ElliptiGO enthusiasm. You’re inspiring us to put on a tutu and crown and head out for a long birthday ride … perhaps along the Chuck Huckleberry Loop!



You can contact ElliptiGO with nominations to Rider of the Month or share your own story. It may just be the next feature!

11 Responses

  1. Steve Hughes says:

    Way2GO Pam. Very well deserved and congratulations to you Rockstar!

  2. Jane Cremer says:

    Way2GO Pam!! Well deserved! 🎉🤗💋

  3. Katie Blau says:

    Awesome Pam! The Tucson bike trail system is hard to beat for safe riding in a large city!!!

  4. James "JB" Brown says:

    Great job Pam. I did 62 miles on my 62nd birthday have not attemped to do that since. I admire you for doing 70. I got my first Elliptigo 9 years ago after hip replacement and it has been great. Keep riding! Tucson sounds like a great place to ride. We also have a Huckleberry trail in Blacksburg VA but not as long. It was named the Huckleberry because the train was so slow riders would jump off the front of the train and pick huckleberrys then jump back on the end of the train.

  5. Keith says:

    This is so awesome! Congratulations Pam!!!

  6. Dainah Graham says:

    This was definitely well-deserved Pam! Congratulations!

  7. Valerie says:

    You say 72, but that smile screams 17! Congratulations! 70 on your 70th! Awesome!!

  8. Sue W says:

    Awesome Pam – you set the bar high! Congratulations!

  9. Lefty Leftwich says:

    Congratulations and Way2GO!

  10. Benton Runquist says:

    This write up has me ready to move to Tucson!!! As I told you when I met you two years ago….you really inspire me!! Thanks for that and keep going!!!

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